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Submission Guidelines

Hello to all the passionate car enthusiasts out there! Here at DrivenAutos, we’re constantly on the search for engaging and insightful content that resonates with fellow auto aficionados.

We invite you to contribute your unique articles and stories to our platform. Before you submit, however, we encourage you to thoroughly review the following guidelines to ensure your submission aligns with our expectations and to streamline the publication process.

Submission Guidelines

1. Focus on automotive topics. Your submission should center around cars—be it car care, driving strategies, maintenance tips, or a captivating personal anecdote involving a car. We seek content that connects with our readers through shared experiences and useful advice.

2. Write with passion and personality. We value content that goes beyond mere facts. Share your personal insights, express your emotions, and let your personality shine through your words. Whether it’s a rant about red lights or a love letter to vintage cars, your emotional investment makes your writing compelling.

3. Ensure link relevancy. As an automotive-focused site, it’s crucial that any external links you include are pertinent and enhance the reader’s experience. We do not accept links to unrelated sites such as SEO platforms, promotional product pages, or any content that feels out of place within our automotive discourse.

4. Include your author bio. Help us and our readers get to know you better by providing a brief bio at the end of your article. Include links to your social media profiles if applicable, and share a bit about your background and interests, particularly those related to automobiles. Check out our authors list for examples.

Keep it Real

5. Aim for a substantial narrative. We require a minimum of 600 words per article, but we encourage more detailed explorations of topics. Your article should have a clear narrative structure—beginning, middle, and end—with a coherent message or lesson. Humor is always appreciated when appropriate!

6. Pitch your idea before writing. To ensure your topic fits our content strategy, please email us with your article ideas before you begin writing in earnest. This helps prevent any potential misalignment and saves time for both parties.

7. Include original or legally shareable images. If possible, accompany your article with high-quality images for which you have the rights or that are legally shareable, as they significantly enhance the storytelling.

8. Options for non-writers. If you feel your writing skills are not up to the mark but still wish to contribute or feature a link on our site, consider making a monetary offer to have your link placed within an existing article that aligns with your content.

Submission Volume

Please be patient with us, as we often have a high volume of submissions and may not respond immediately.

Thank you for considering DrivenAutos as a platform for your automotive insights and stories!

Contact Information:

Webmaster: Matt Keegan, Stumpwater Media Group, LLC


Image under license from Adobe Photo Stock.

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