now hiring


Hiring Freelance Writers!

now hiring

Driven Autos, a division of Stumpwater Media Group, LLC, is looking for freelance writers to contribute articles. Founded in 2005, Driven Autos has changed hands twice, most recently in May 2021. While the principal, Matt Keegan, is busy building out other websites, overhauling content, and making other structural changes, the need for experienced writers to keep this site going is important.

The candidates we’re considering should have experience writing about cars. We’re not looking for a reviewer as we’re covered in that department. Instead, individuals who can talk about tires, understand car seats, are familiar with in-cabin tech, or otherwise have a grasp on certain aspects of the industry, interest us the most.

There are two forms of writing we’re looking for:

First, individuals comfortable with writing standard form stories, ranging from 600 to 750 words. These articles have a strong introduction, a robust body, and a clear conclusion. Because the content is designed for the web, short sentences of 20 or fewer words and section headers are necessary. In some cases, “listicles” are entirely appropriate with numbered lists the easiest for readers to follow.

Second, we’re also looking for candidates who are comfortable writing both mid- (approximately 1,200 to 1,500 words) and long-form stories (2,000 words or more).

Now Underway

Our hiring project is already underway. If you are interested, please send a letter of introduction, your resume, and three sample writing clips (links are fine). Also, please furnish your pay scale along with your availability (e.g., I can write one to five articles per week during July and August).

Lastly, please send your details to

Review Process

We have retained the services of one freelancer yet remain open to others contributing as well. If you believe you possess what it takes, then please reach out to us as soon as possible.

Best Regards,
Matt Keegan