Author: Taylor McKnight

Taylor McKnight is a Digital PR Specialist representing clients across all business niches who enjoys content writing and marketing among other PR activities.
company vehicle
Posted in Special

What You Need In Order to Drive a Company Vehicle

Are you considering a job that requires you to drive a company vehicle? If so, there are several things you should know before getting behind the wheel. Driving a company vehicle can be a great perk, but it also comes…

road trip
Posted in Driving Tips

What to Take on a Cross-Country Road Trip

Are you going on a cross-country road trip? If so, you might be wondering what to take with you. There are a lot of factors involved in packing for your journey, but here are some examples that may help. What…

car dealer
Posted in Car Buying Tips

The Perks of Buying a Used Car Instead of a New One

Buying a new car can be an expensive decision, and many people wonder if there’s some way to cut costs by buying a used car instead. Lucky for you, the answer is yes! There are plenty of perks that come…

circuit board
Posted in Engineering & Technology

The Ways Semiconductors Can Help a Vehicle’s Performance

Modern life wouldn’t be the same without semiconductors. Everyone knows that semiconductors are used to make chips for computers. They’re used in storage devices, microprocessors, and GPUs, but they are also used in other aspects of life too. Lightbulbs utilize…